Build a simple chat web app using Faye, Express and Vue - Part 5

In the previous part, I implemented the UI using Vue. In this part, I am going to write about the deployment process using dokku. This simple chat app is split into 3 separate services api, faye and web. Each service can be deployed independently without affecting other running services.
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Set up rTorrent using Dokku

Having a BitTorrent seedbox is convenient in many ways. Few days ago, I needed to download something (totally legal!) using BitTorrent, but I don’t want to open my laptop 24/7 for seeding. Since I already have a dokku server up and running, I can just set up a BitTorrent seedbox using rtorrent and ruTorrent
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Install Pygments and configure nginx

After setting up the blog, I ran into several problems, two of them were that I didn’t have syntax highlighting and nginx redirected requests to paths without / at the end to wrong URL.
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Set up Hugo, Dokku and Travis

Setting up your own blog has never been easier. With less than an hour, one can have a blog up and running even without any Ops experience like myself
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